Vitamin Therapy

Concerned you aren't getting the nutrients you need?

Have you ever felt like your diet is getting you through the day, but not quite getting you to feeling your best? Are tired of juggling bottles and supplements to make sure that what’s going into your body provides for all its needs. IV therapy or vitamin injections may seem inconvenient at first glance- they’re not hard-core treatments right off a doctors table! But it turns out these methods are easy ways in which we can directly supply our bodies with critical nutrients without having any hassle whatsoever.

IV Vitamin Shots

Vitamin shots are a quick, effective way to replenish your body with nutrients. Intimate injections ensure vitamins or medication is delivered deep into the muscles with little pain experienced at all. It takes about 24 hours for any particular injection to reach its peak in the bloodstream, but it will stay there absorbing gradually until you see desired results.

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IV Infusions

Once, or several times a week, we might be able to help re-balance electrolytes or hydrate you so thoroughly that your extremities will return to their usual color instead of a sallow pallor. Intravenous therapy may be used to correct electrolyte imbalances, re-hydrate, and help you feel better. An IV is the fastest way to deliver fluids, vitamins, and medications throughout the body. This is great for treating chronic issues.